
The ACEA historical archive, which has been reorganised and partly restored in recent years, provides rich and varied material: thousands of folders and registers, plus dozens of films, a historical library of approximately 14,000 volumes and more than 30,000 photographic images, mostly from the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s. These photos are currently being digitised.

Electricity systems

The archive documents the efforts made at the beginning of the century and later in the 1950s for the construction and operation of the systems required for the production and dispersal of electricity: dams, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power plants, receivers, primary substations and electricity centres.

Water systems

More than thirty years of activities relating to the expansion of the Roman aqueduct network are immortalised in the photos stored in the company archives

Company buildings

The wide range of activities carried out at the company has always required the construction of special spaces: offices, archives, garages, laboratories, customer service rooms, etc.

Men at work

For one hundred years, to enable the Company to provide its services to citizens, men and women have worked with commitment and skill in every environment, indoors and outdoors. Take a look at the gallery showing them at work.

Beyond work

For the families of those who have worked at Acea, the company has been not only a place of work, but also a means by which they can access recreational and welfare services, including housing.


Serving Rome, a unique city of art, with squares and fountains famous throughout the world, influential Christian basilicas and churches, palaces that house the institutions, the great villas…

For research, institutions, and universities, ACEA provides access to its Historical Archive upon request. A request may be made by emailing